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Visualization for professionals

A clear, rapidly updated visualization of a project is essential for efficient development. This is true for physical projects such as product design as well as conceptual projects like the evolution of an argument in litigation. StudioCruz has long experience of successful visualization of both types of project; here are a few examples of litigation work - click on an image to see it magnified. 

In addition, it's hard to work with a client if you don't understand what they want. Chris Yonge's training in three different disciplines help him understand a project and where a client wants to take it. 

Frame from a video describing the process of making accurate planning photo matches

One of the major advantages of using 3D based images in planning or litigation exhibits is their provable accuracy - on occasion Chris Yonge, as an expert witness, has opened the original CAD file on a projected screen in court to demonstrate this. This 2016 video was made in support of a planning appeal before the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors. StudioCruz' client won the appeal overwhelmingly with a 5-0 Supervisors' vote to reject the application.

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